A Blood Test for Early Bowel Cancer Detection
The accessibility of Nanopore technology will enable communities and families to proactively reduce their risk of being diagnosed with incurable bowel cancer. Your donation will help us create that opportunity. If you do not require a receipt for tax deduction purposes, please donate using a credit card and the box below. If you wish to receive a donation receipt, your donation will need to be made through the Centre for Translational Cancer Research website. PLease click the button below for the instructions
I don't need donation receipt I require a donation receipt
- Go to https://www.otago.ac.nz/ctcr/support/index.html
- Click the link: Donate online (credit card)
- Enter donation amount
- At ‘designation’, use the drop down menu to select CTCR Te Aho Matatū/Centre for Translational Cancer
- Under ‘additional information’, add 'bowel cancer test’ to the box
- Complete remaining details for your receipt